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Ko wai mātou?
Who are we?

We are a parent’s co-operative group, providing after-school care and

holiday programmes for the tamariki of Karori West Normal School 

We are located in front of the junior playground in what is known as the OSCAR den. 

The mātua form a committee to manage the group and to employ experienced childcare kaimahi to run the programme. We are also registered as an Incorporated Society and have been approved by the Ministry of Social Development.

Ko ngā whiwhinga mōu?
What do we offer?

We offer an after-school care programme and a holiday programme. 

After-school care runs Monday to Friday during the school terms, between 3:00pm and 5:45pm.

Holiday programme runs during the school holidays and over summer, Monday to Friday, between
8:00am and 5:45pm. Please note that our holiday programme is very popular and places are given on a first-in, first-served basis. We provide places for all tamariki at Karori West Normal School.
Holiday programmes are a mixture of themed day taking place at the OSCAR den and trips. Our programme caters for all ages and abilities.

Kei hea tātou?
Where are we?


KWOSCAR rainbow.png



19 Allington Rd,

Karori, 6012,



027 610 0563


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